What Our Clients Say
62 year old female from Manila, the Philippines, also won her victory against COVID-19 when she was discharged from the ICU and given the result that she no longer has COVID-19. Having a challenging complication of stroke, slurred speech and paralysis of the right arm and leg, she not only beat the virus in 10 energy healing sessions, but was also was able to fully recover her speech and regain movement in her paralyzed body parts in 3 additional sessions conducted by Master Del Pe and two WIID specialists.
36 year old male from Germany triumphed over his dreadful COVID-19 symptoms after living in self-isolation without any medical intervention, hospital visits or pharmaceutical drugs. The success of his rapid recovery found him enthused to declare that he had beaten his respiratory distress, chest tightness, diarrhea and digestive issues, fever, extreme exhaustion, loss of smell and loss of taste solely with the help of WIID's tele-healing strategy, conducted by Master Del Pe and his Senior Team over the course of 10 sessions. A landmark in the rate of recovery and improvement delivered some early anecdotal observations about the client's diet and lifestyle factors which accelerated the healing process.
40 year old female from Barcelona, Spain had an endearing recovery from her constellation of COVID-19 symptoms while under self-isolation. She was able to improve and overcome respiratory issues, chest pains, diarrhea, body ache, loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste without any medical interventions, hospital visits or pharmaceutical drugs, through doing 10 sessions of WIID's tele-healing conducted by Master Del Pe and his team. This unprecedented result was even more empowering for her as she was able to release her anxieties, worries and crippling stresses about her father, who was also a critical COVID-19 patient in the ICU. WIID's specialized COVID-19 protocols have multi-arrayed benefits for both COVID-19 infected clients as well as their co-dependents.
The World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID), with over 29 years of experience through its founder, Master Del Pe and his international team, gladly demonstrates the exemplary service of not only saving lives through WIID healing sciences, but also inspires the valuable service to help transition dying patients, so that they will exit this life with dignity and inner peace. The program of WIID does not end with the healing protocols. It continues until the grief of the survivors is also managed by the psycho-energetic protocols that rapidly heal sadness, stress and the feelings of defeat due to the loss of a loved one.
Psycho-Spiritual Disorder
When you have tried the best of modern medicine combined with all kinds of oriental, mystical solutions and yet your chronic sufferings bring you daily hell, you may feel like you would be better dead than be alive. Such is the condition Master Del Pe found in one of his clients from Belgium, Europe. The first session was done through online tele-healing. Because of the sudden relief from the chronic pain, Berenice decided that she would continue with Master Del Pe’s psycho-energetic healing solutions. Master Del Pe concluded that the client had undergone a rare Psycho-Spiritual syndrome called the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’, a constellation of symptoms that even religious people and mystics like Mother Teresa and Saint John of the cross had experienced.
Avascular Necrosis
Avascular Necrosis patients, who came on crutches, starts walking without any help after just a few minutes of blessings by Master Del Pe
Loss of Voice
A stroke patient who had lost his voice 8 years ago, was able to chant OM after receiving a few minutes of blessings from Master Del Pe
Togo was living in South Africa when we started to work with her in Sept. 2006. She suffered from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Her CD-4 Count was only 76 (ability to fight infection):
“After a month of healing and participating in our exercise regime, breathing techniques and self-healing methods, her CD-4 Count went to 350. After 6 months of healing her CD4 count was 980. I visited her again in 2010 and she testified same as Alina, she had continued with our techniques and still 4 years later her CD4 count is normal. She is healthy, full of vitality and actively working to help others with HIV/AIDS as well."
- Alina Nhlongani, Humana People for People, South Africa
“The effect of shabu on my mind was that I got easily confused, restless and disoriented. Through the efforts of the cleanLIFE Program, I quit using shabu. When I came to stay here [at the rehabilitation center], I stopped. I didn’t even think of taking shabu or drinking alcohol. The lesson that Master Del Pe taught me was to think of the future.”
- R.K., cleanLIFE surrenderee
Cardiac Condition
"In my case he (Master Del Pe) has helped my cardiac condition considerably. After completing 12 sessions my injection fraction, oxygen saturation and exercise tolerance improved demonstrably. This was quite unexpected since these parameters had remained steady for several years. Even though this is only an anecdotal event, from my many years of medical experience, what happened to me is beyond the vagaries of coincidence."
- Sreedhar Nair, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale University, USA
President, National Emphysema Foundation)
Cerebral Palsy
"I have congenital cerebral palsy on my right side. As a result, I have hemiparesis on my right side. I was guided through a meditation by EM, who is located in Boulder, CO, and RS, who is located in the Philippines, while I am located in New York City. After the meditation, I found my neural pathways energize and what I would call “alive”. I decided to perform a sensation test, by scratching my facial cheeks with a toothpick. The last time I did this, my left facial cheek was very sensitive while my right cheek felt dull. This time, I felt no difference between the sensation on my right side and the sensation on my left side—both sides felt sensitive, energized and alive. This is amazing to me and I see a direct result from what happened during the meditation. Thank you."
- WSG New York City, N.Y
Dark Night of the Soul
"I experienced nightmares, hallucinations, fears and sleep walking since I was a child.At the age of 14, I started to cut myself with a blade all over my arms. It thought this was the only way to make myself feel something. The only word I find that can give an idea of what was going on with me is 'emptiness'. I started psychotherapy and medication. They just increased the feeling of numbness and emptiness. I tried to commit suicide a couple of times. One day my father invited me to a conference held by Master Del Pe held in Milan, Italy. Then, I realized that the connection with my soul was the thing that had been missing. I have committed myself to helping young boys and girls in the same situation I had been in."
- Melissa Avesani, Italy
Diabetes, Hypertension and Cholesterol
"I have been suffering from Type 2 Diabetes since 2002. I was on insulin from 2012 to 2016. In addition to Diabetes, I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol. With regular healings over a 3 month period in 2016, proper diet management and exercises, my sugar levels dropped and I was taken off insulin in 2017. I continue taking oral medicines twice daily. My dose was reduced recently. My sugar level is now borderline. I continue to meet my doctor monthly and she monitors my health with regular lab tests. The healings have improved my quality of life. I feel more energetic, positive and have greater will power to succeed in life."
- S.K., India
Diabetes and Smoking
"I was detected with a very high level of blood Sugar in Sept 2009. This was in addition to the high blood pressure I have for over 16-17 years now, which is kept under control with medicines. I also have been a smoker for more than two decades which did not help the situation of hypertension and diabetes. After 20 healing sessions (over a 5 month period) my sugar levels came down; the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) count came down from 9.3 to 7.7. My blood pressure also came down from 110/70 to 125/80. I no longer need sleeping and stress release medicines on a regular basis. Most importantly, I have completely quit smoking after years of trying to do so."
- S.D. India
Hashimoto's Disease
"Just wanted to let you know that Ashiks last blood results indicates that his TSH levels are normal and he is perfectly healthy. You did a healing for his TSH levels to drop below 10 and it has. Thank you so much for being instrumental in my child having perfect health. Before Master healed him last year his TSH level was 100. After Master's healing Ashik's TSH level dropped to 16. He is no longer hypothyroid. This is truly a miracle. Thank you so much."
- R.P., South Africa
Panic Attacks
"I was terribly ill with severe panic attacks. I was admitted in the psychiatric ward several times and put on heave medication. After a few healing sessions, the swelling in my body disappeared along with the anxiety, weakness, fatigue, nausea, burning in my eyes and face, abdominal pain, and headaches. I immediately stopped the strong medications. I am very happy to report that have not experienced another panic attack ever since."
- R.P. South Africa
"After 3 healing sessions, she (Alexandra) felt the energy in her legs flowing. Her physical therapist, was very impressed, about the high amount of energy she has. He didn't have to force her to move her arms and legs. Her abdominal strength has improved a lot. Her backbone is unified at the end; before it was separated in two."
- Mar Foglia, Uruguay
Paralysis from Stroke
Her paralysis was healed in 20 minutes. Before, she walks with her cane and very difficult to walk. Stiff shoulders, arms and legs on the right, partial paralysis. She had hard time stretching her stiff knee. Her hands can hardly fold. Very weak and very stiff shoulder because of the stroke. She has a lot of stress before. Financial problems. After only 20 minutes of healing, she can now do arm flushes and leg kicks. She does not need the cane. When she kicks she keeps the balance her kicks are strong. She can do almost a full stretch up with her right arm and do arm swings. Her arms have loosened up. She can do upper body turns. She can do deep squats. Side to side body stretch. It’s a miraculous recovery. She will throw the cane. Now she is free of pain in her shoulder.
- Testimonial of Corazon Umaging, Lepanto, Philippines
Psychic Syndrome
"In my path of meditation and spiritual development, one of my issues has been difficulty connecting with people due to my psychic faculties. I have realized that even though I have great capacity for emotional intelligence and magnetism to connect, I keep it shut off because when I connect just a little bit, my heart literally hurts and too many pains and sufferings of the world around me flood into my system. It is like being a sponge in an ocean of negative feelings. I had trouble protecting myself and my aura from being contaminated by others and the environment. Master Del Pe's shielding techniques and will-power development programs really helped me enjoy my spiritual life without suffering."
- D.G., Corporate Trainer, Texas
Sleep Terrors
"I struggled with an irrational fear that I was going to be attacked in my sleep. I was sleeping with all doors and windows locked (in my second floor apartment), spending hours with the lights on waiting for it to get light out, and periodically taking laps around the apartment to double check that no one was there. It's been three months since I had my three healing sessions with Master Del, took the BEwell Science Basic course, and had an additional three sessions with VP [WIID Specialist], and I now feel safe in my home. The nightmares have gone away and I am more present in my life. I couldn't recommend this school of healing enough." "I'm excited to share that with little exception I slept without fear for almost all of my France trip, which was very exciting."
- LJB, Colorado, USA
Spinal Injury
"I was in crutches. I just got out of hospital because of two minor strokes and an operation on the spine, I have metal implanted here (pointing to neck area). The martial arts and the exercises that Master Del Pe has introduced for 3 executive days has greatly improved my health. I was in crutches when I came. When I left I removed my crutches. Its amazing but it’s true. I do martial arts exercises with punches and kicks. Last time I could not do it. I was losing balance but now I can do it with grace. Its really amazing. I could not really raise my arms because of the pain before. But now I can straighten my arms and punch strongly. It might be unbelievable for others about what I am telling you that regards my health and progress. That’s what happened to me. In 3 days I was able to remove my crutch.
- Sir Jaime, Bontoc, Mountain Province, Philippines
Unexplained Bone Cracking
" In the spring of 2017, I was struck by an unexplained condition. All the bones in my body, from head to toe, started cracking whenever I moved them. This made no sense since I was only 24 years old with a healthy body and no deficiencies. The orthopedic specialist could not explain this sudden anomalous development. When all tests, medical consultations and internet forums failed me over 6 months, Master Del Pe's healing sessions resolved the situation in a matter of 15 sessions. No one understood what happened but Master not only healed but also explained the esoteric causes of my condition. Now I am back to my active lifestyle."
- R.A., California, USA